Saturday, May 26, 2018

How Gibson can rise from the ashes!

There are several things that would help the Gibson brand. The first thing is to scale back the depth in model lines and use the "In and Out Burger "style menu, i.e., less is more. Too many choices leads to confusion. Also, start being nicer to Local Ma and Pa stores allowing them to sell and advertise product. Get out of the other hokus pokus businesses that are not making musical instruments.

Limit the line card. Les Paul for example; make historic models that actually existed and do away with the Purple '59 reissues. Once again, make Standards, Deluxes, and Customs and allow for one off custom models ordered via shops. I believe there are almost twenty Les Paul's to choose from and that doesn't include color schemes.

Bring back all the archtop and hollowbody guitars that are well made and what the industry finds worthy of admiration. I never see Gibson L5's for sale because they are sold the day they go up.

Hello, knock, knock..... Make Mandolins again. Lemme see, I cannot buy a Loar F5 Gibson but I sure can buy a nice Collings MT O, MF and a find Northfield. If those instruments are too costly then buying an Eastman Mandolin isn't a bad option. Regardless, there isn't an option to buy a quality Mandolin from Gibson and that is a crime.

Some of the best Banjos ever made had the Gibson brand on them. You know what I see a lot of people buying? You better have guessed Banjo's because contrary to all the jokes that people make about these instruments, Banjos are in fact very popular. Another huge market share that GibStone seemed to ignore. That's right, GibStone, hell, it seems like the only good instruments they made where prior to the Flintstones!

Furthermore, keep Epiphone making quality student guitars. Well, not just student guitars.... Some of the Epiphones play better than pricey Gibsons.  Frankly, my guess is that Epiphone is probably the only division of Gibson making money.

To Gibson, ever hear of a Fender Musical Corp employee named Abigail Ybarra? Abigail is the undisputed purveyor of pickups. Certainly you've heard of Lloyd Loar!? Emphasize the people who make your instruments. Personalize them! In a new robotic world I find that people seek a personal connection to the manufacturer or craftsmen/craftswomen. If the Corporation is leary that people will train and move on then understand that you might need a workplace environment that fosters loyalty. Comprendo?

Finally, don't fire the workers in the USA. Reinvest in those people, tools and training instead of consumer electronic companies.

I am the proud owner of a few Gibson guitars. I'd like to buy a Gibson but I have to earn my money too and the money goes farther when I put it into a many other brands. Let's get crackin' Gibson!!!

That is my two cents............

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