Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sixto Diaz Rodriguez

Long overdue, the pale fact is that the music industry over looked a muse, poet and man. Rodriguez as he is simply known has been the worst kept secret in South Africa where his status was mythical and his image is greater than any known musical group or musician. He spoke and sang about what he saw which is the way people in South Africa felt about their lives. Searching for Sugar man is an epic real life fairy tale that brings tears of joy and provokes thought as he has lead a life very close to that of asceticism.
Rodriguez seems to challenge us in a sweet way to be better humans and contribute to society. He states there is no shame in hard work or being poor. Words many would suffer to speak. He tells us that poor doesn't mean, dirty, stupid or mean. In fact, though I don't know Rodriguez personally, I doubt he would ever boast or stoop to braggadocio regarding his intellect.
Today, Searching for Sugar man won an Oscar for documentary. Now the rest of the world can hear what America threw away and South Africa embraced. I can do no justice to this man's story. See the movie and learn from Rodriguez.

Above all, Rodriguez testifies to be kindred spirit, strong doting father, conscientious politician and talented musician. Bewildering as it may seem, his proudest achievement is his wonderful family.

Buy his albums! LINK to AMAZON  - Sixto Diaz Rodriguez!!


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